Minggu, 23 Mei 2010


According Koentjaraningrat (1984:190) sense of ceremony or ritual or ceremony is a system event or series of actions organized by the customary law prevailing in society related to various events that usually occur in the community concerned.
In this ex Semarang residency we found some traditional ceremonies are still held by the public. In this ceremony, there are several requirements that must be met in accordance with the purpose of the ceremony. There are some traditional ceremonies are held diderah communities, among others:
1. Ngekol Ceremony
Ngekol ceremony in the village of Bejalen, Ambarawa district, Semarang regency. Bejalen village has a tradition held every year once called ngekol. Ngekol was held to commemorate or honor the first person who has opened Bejalen villages, namely Mbah Widodo. Beliaulah the open land around the swamp which was later called the Village dizzy Bejalen, taken from the name of the first people who lived in the area, namely Mbah Widodo. But people in the area usually called him mbah GOJALI, the village tersebutlah Bejalen.
The event was held in the month Dhu al-Hijjah, and lasts for two days. The first day in the evening after the evening 'residents held a prayer together, namely the Prophet and the letter read yasin. Aims to send a prayer for Mbah Widodo. After the prayer over the youth culture parade, which in content with lumping horse show, klotekan dimples, coastal dance, and dance that became typical of horses blarak. New in the morning held carnival or the procession which was attended by all residents Bejalen.Dalam wine-Bejalen arakkan that all citizens are happy to follow from the older to younger. They are eager to follow the procession. The procession started from the village came to the tomb Bejalen Mbah Widodo, a distance of about 2km.

Which became typical of the many mountains of the procession is salak.Karena salak Bejalen is producing region. Which was taken when the wine-barked arakkan besides mountains also bring agricultural produce and fish. Because most residents Bejalen livelihood as farmers and fishermen around the swamp dizzy. Cone shaped, flowers and ingkung chicken, and assorted fruits are also not forget to enliven the procession.
After the procession reached the cemetery Mbah Widodo, cone shaped and gathered around the grave mound, residents got together and recite the prayer of the caretaker, that the Prophet, after the prayer finished direct residents scrambling malanan and fruits in the mountains and because merela believe tumpengan if successful bring home food or fruit from the tomb ngekol event Mbah Widodo, food or fruits that will bring blessing.

After the show finished cone shaped bone of contention, there was one more event to enliven this ngekol event that is fighting for fish in the pond by hand kosong.biasanya who follow this show the kids, but parents are also allowed because in order to enliven the event.
2. Ceremony Merti Dhusun
Still in the district of Semarang, in the village of West Ungaran vicious District, we also found a nearly similar ceremonies in the villages, namely Merti dhusun Bejalen. Merti dhusun a thanksgiving ceremony performed every vicious villagers once a year. This event is usually held on Monday Kliwon, in mid-year. The event was held to welcome ancestral spirits menghormari vile hamlet, the first people who lived in the vicious.
At the time of the event, people bring food such as rice and side dishes, like chicken, vegetable knew, and crackers, as well as some snacks and drinks market. They memebawa food to the village chief's house, where Merti dhusun done. After that they prayed together, and after the prayer finished and they both ate food mersama they already carry.
3. Banyu Merti Ceremony
In the village there are also vicious banyu Merti ceremony, held as Merti banyu salvation and gratitude to God who has delegated the water source, so the fields of rice and is never dry. Water source was located about five hundred meters from the northern end of the village. Community kumlasa called Tuk watu. Events Merti banyu done every once a year. Sebelun night event held villagers held prayers together in one house residents. And in the morning is the culmination of the event is held the cone and the parade of food from the village to the water source. Arriving at the springs, the keeper doing prosese chicken slaughter chickens in the village and after giving the prayer, the chicken-baked and eaten bersana same.
4. Mbangkuningan Ceremony
Mbangkuningan ceremony is an annual ceremony held by the villagers routinely Polobogo, Getasan district, Semarang regency. This ceremony has existed since 1598 BC. When war broke out in the Surakarta palace, one of the royal palace which is called Ki Soreng escape and arrived at a place called polobogo eventually. Polo means land, and Bogo merarti food, because the area was infertile and many Soreng Ki makanan.pada when he died, he gave orders to be buried at the place where he meditated. In place of a flowering tree grows yellow. Therefore, to commemorate Ki Soreng he was given the nickname referred to his tomb of Sunan Kuning.dan sasana lasting yellow.
This ceremony is held to honor and send a prayer for the Kyai Kuning, namely ancestral polobogo villagers. That is why the ceremony was also called to honor mbangkuningan because Kyai Kuning. The event was held in rejeb, on Monday Pahing. Mbangkuningan not only Polobogo followed by citizens, but citizens from around the district semarang, some even dating from Kendal, they expect a blessing from the show.
The day before a ceremony was conducted, voluntary work organized residents to clean eating yellow Sunan and her family. And the next day the villagers held prayers at the grave by bringing rice, side dishes and snacks to take to market to eat in order to follow the ceremony mbangkuningan. In ancient times as a function of rice and side dish offerings, and food that has been brought to the tomb should not be brought back by the lead. Are allowed to bring a person from outside the village who follow the show to expect a blessing. But now that way bsudah modified in line with the development of Islamic religion, the meaning of carrying rice and side dishes are to feed the people who come to the show mbangkuningan.Dan had brought no food left and brought home again home, in the event mbangkuningan now all residents who joined the show are required to eat together.

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